Welcome to EmergeAptSync

Welcome to EmergeAptSync!  When trying to get emerge working with Yoper (see the Links page).  I managed to get emerge working, and then figured out how to sync apt/rpm databases with emerge.  

This page is for the Yoper community to use to bulletproof this system.  Downloads can be found via the Download link at the top of the page.

Forums now open!
Emerge on Yoper: 11/29/04, 04:16:46 by Admin
Emerge on Yoper Hi folks,
Forums are now open.  Click on links above/left to discuss this product.

How to get emerge working on Yoper
Emerge on Yoper: 11/09/04, 14:30:19 by Admin
Emerge on Yoper Updated: 11/24/2004

Apparently, the emerge RPM on the yoper repository is too old to truly update.  Based on Troy's feedback below, I had to repackage emerge.  I'm going to try and contact andreas, but until then, here's the new ...
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Initial release of EmergeAptSync released
Emerge on Yoper: 11/08/04, 16:22:08 by Admin
Emerge on Yoper The initial release of EmergeAptSync has been released.  This is a perl script which extracts the RPM database and injects that into the emerge sync database.  Likewise, the emerge'd files are synchronized back into the APT structure. ...
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